About us 

Staunton Singers are a mixed voice, community singing group.  We have been making music since 2015, (see How we Started)  We rehearse at Staunton School on  Wednesday evenings from 7:00 - 9:00, with an all important break for tea/coffee and biscuits!  Currently we have 14 members and we sing a wide range of genres from Abba to Handel with much in between.  We welcome new members especially if they sing tenor or bass!  If you would like to come and have a go, please go to the Join Us page and complete the contact form. 

Over the years, we have supported many charities, including Guide Dogs, Breast Cancer, Riding for the Disabled and are happy to come and sing in support of a charity.  This year we are supporting the Herefordshire Music Fund - a charity which supports children to become involved in music, through bursaries musical activities and tuition.  For more information, please click here

We are happy to come and sing anywhere.  Concerts last year included Brockington House in Hereford, Winforton Church, in aid of Bryngwyn Riding for the Disabled and St. Michael's Hospice in Hereford, which being Christmas time, memorably included a visit by some friendly reindeer!  Last October, we joined forces with Staunton Primary School and some other local musicians to perform in Staunton Church.  The Church was packed and a fun time was had by all!   We also do regular performances at the Talk Community Hub in Staunton. 
